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全国招商热线:010-59796338 在线留言 首特宏发颗粒机
Feasibility of construction machinery charcoal factory

Significant social benefits

Waste:China is a big country in agricultural production, according to statistics from related departments, the annual crop straw residue of 60-70 million tons, the utilization rate is only 20%, the rest as a garbage disposal, tree branches, sawdust, rice husk and other also away tons, the project equipment can be above all wastes into new energy, mechanism charcoal.

Section:With the control of forest resources in the country, the mechanism of the production of charcoal is not only effective with the national policy, but also the natural charcoal to save wood, but also to protect the forest resources.

can ease the pressure of industrial use of charcoal in short supply. With the rapid development of China's economy, charcoal industry surge in demand, in order to protect the forest resources and green environment, the State Council stipulated to prohibit the use of wood charcoal. The production of raw materials for the production of raw materials for the production of raw materials due to shortage of supply, semi shutdown state of the situation everywhere, the development and utilization of mechanism charcoal, can effectively ease the tension in the supply of charcoal, is conducive to the healthy and stable development of the national economy.

Considerable economic benefits

At present, China is in a period of economic development, industrial, life and other industries with a large amount of carbon. Mechanism charcoal raw material costs generally at 1000 yuan / ton, while the domestic mechanism of the market price of charcoal is generally 3000-4000 yuan / ton, charcoal export abroad, sales price can reach 5000 yuan / ton, the profit is very considerable.

Technology is simple and easy to learn

My company mechanism charcoal machine operation is simple, easy to learn and easy to understand, the general learning 3-5 days can be fully mastered the operation process.

use crop stalks, branches, bark, root, leaves as raw materials need to be crushed, after crushing the charcoal moisture content is greater than 12% need to dry, after drying the sawdust material can be formed (made of firewood), processing into (semi finished) after the re - entry kiln.

Profit analysis

project unit number unit price (yuan) total (yuan) notes
Raw materials Ton 2 400 800 Is for reference only
Electric Ton 180 degrees 1 180
Wage Ton 3 people 66 200 2000 Yuan/month
Plant cost Ton By daily calculation 40
Other expenses Ton 1 100
Production cost Ton 1 1320
Market price Ton 1 2800 Sawdust charcoal
Profit Ton 1 1480


(1) of raw materials: sawdust rice husk leaves and branches of straw shell (2-2.5 tons) =800 yuan

(2): 180 degrees x 1 yuan / degree = 180 yuan

(3) salary: 200 yuan / day

(4) workshop fee: 40 yuan / day

(5) production of other expenses: 100 yuan

(6) total production cost: 1320 yuan

(7) per ton of sawdust charcoal mechanism ex factory price: 2800 yuan / ton

(8) per ton of mechanism charcoal profit: 2800 - 1320 =1480 yuan Note: the cost factor and the market price for the region, time and other factors of the different changes, the above data is only for reference.

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